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Handlare Petter WikanderBlev 78 år och 1 dag.
Vigsel: | 1891-07-24 | |||
Barn: | Frida Wikander (1892 - 1914) |
Noteringar |
Petter Wikander föddes den 22 januari 1854 i Lien, Ragunda såsom son till Esbjörn Vikander och Stina Greta Pehrsdotter.
Familjen flyttade till Gideåberg i Edsele när Petter var 21 år. Den 2 januari 1890 flyttade Petter till Ljustorp tillsammans med sin bror Anders Magnus. De var där skrivna under Östra Frötuna, Petter stod som Handlare. Den 24 juli 1891 gifte sig Petter med Brita Gidlöf. Hon var syster till Petters svåger Anders (systern Erikas man). 1892 föddes deras dotter Frida Margareta. Familjen emigrerade till Amerika den 2 juni 1893, och slog sig ner i det lilla samhället Palestine i Stephenson, Michigan, där de byggde sig ett litet hus och kom att bo kvar livet ut. Familjen var respekterade och omtyckta medborgare i det lilla samhället och var högaktade medlemmar i den svenska mission kyrkan "Bethlehem Covenant Church in Palestine" . 1914 drabbades Brita och Petter av stor sorg då deras enda dotter gick bort i tuberkulos endast 22 år gammal. År 1923 kom hustrun Britas brorson Erik Amandus och hans familj och bosatte sig hos dem. Jag finner dem boende tillsammans i 1930 års Census. 1932 gick Petter bort i Lunginflammation. Han dog dagen efter sig 78 års dag. Det hölls en dubbel begravning för Petter och hans bästa vän som dog samma dag. Det skrevs en vacker minnesruna för de bägge vännerna som går att läsa här nedan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menominee County Journal Stephenson, Michigan, January 29 1932, p. 1 LIFELONG FRIENDS WHO PASSED AWAY SATURDAY HAVE DOUBLE FUNERAL ON WEDNESDAY Emil Erickson and Peter Wikander, life long friends and pioneer residents of Palestine passed away at their homes last Saturday. Mr. Erickson’s death coming at 1:30 a.m. and Mr. Wikander at 2:30 p.m. Although very ill, Mr. Erickson went to the home of Mr. Wikander who was confined to his bed, Thursday evening, as his old friend has asked to see him. Mr. Erickson was well known in the county and had been highway commissioner many years. He has been in failing health for four years, part of that time he spent at Pinecrest Sanitorium. Emil Erickson was born in Sundsvall, Sweden the 8th of January, 1871. In 1881 he came to this country with his parents, and made his home in Norway, Michigan for two years. From there he moved to Stephenson, Mich., and made his home. He was united in marriage to Erika Haglund, April 19, 1894. This union was blessed with 12 children, 9 sons and 3 daughters. A daughter, Esther, and a son, August have already gone before him to their eternal home. Emil Erickson was a member of the Swedish Mission Church here in Palestine for a period of 26 years. He was a true and loyal member and faithfully served his God whom he loved. Saturday, January 23, 1932, the Lord called him to his eternal reward. He is deeply mourned by his wife, 8 sons, Hjalmer, Edwin, Emil, Ruben, Willard, Ralph, Oscar and Daniel; two daughters, Mrs. Hildur Kinder and Mrs. Joel Gidlof of Chicago, also eight grandchildren and one sister, Gerda Erickson of Gary, Ind.; two brothers, August, New York: John of Gladstone, also a large circle of friends and neighbors. “There is no death, what seems so is transition: This life of mortal breath is but the suburb of the life elysian whose portals we call death.” WIKANDER Peter Wikander was born in Jamtland, Sweden on the 22nd day of January, 1854. He came to this country in 1893. He died in the home of his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gidlof on the 23rd day of January at the age of 78 years. He leaves to mourn his death his widow, one brother and two sisters in Sweden, also one sister in Minneapolis, Minn. Their only child, Freda, died 17 years ago. Mr. Wikander was a man who possessed more than ordinary knowledge, and was an esteemed member of the Swedish Mission Church, where he also served as deacon. The double funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock from the Swedish Mission Church of Palestine. Order of Services Hymn – “Sometime We’ll Understand” by Elving Thorpe. Duet – “Bartom tidens dunkla Fjarran” – Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Ellen Peterson. Swedish Sermon – Rev. Oscar Johnson of Palestine Duet – “O du ljuvliga Hem.” which was Mr. Erickson’s favorite song – by Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Ellen Peterson. English Sermon – Rev. Fred Nelson of Marinette, Wis. Hymn – “No Disappointment in Heaven” – Elving Thorpe. Pallbearers for Mr. Wikander – Alber Kipfer, Simon Malmsten, Conrad Solander, Oscar Solander, Martin Larson and Alfred Hendrickson. [Hendricksen?] Pallbearers for Mr. Erickson were his 8 sons, Hjalmar, Edwin, Emil, jr., ruben, Willard, Ralph, Oscar and Daniel. Those who had charge of the flowers were: Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Simon Malmsten, Mrs. Alfred Hendrickson, Mrs. Albert Kipfer, Mrs. Gust Anderson and Miss Minnie Blomquist. People from out-of-town who attended the funerals were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gidlof, Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kinder, Chicago, Ill.; Miss Gerda Erickson, Gary, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. J.V. Erickson, Gladstone; Mrs. And Mrs. August Larson, Stambaugh; Mrs. Joseph Carlson, Iron River; Mrs. Betty Nordlund, Mrs. C. Benson, Miss Gertrude Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Shainholts, A. Klumb and Rev. A. Rundquist, Menominee; Mrs. And Mrs. C. Anderson, Wallace; Mrs. C.O. Larsen, Daggett; Gerald Hendrickson, Ford River and Rev. and Mrs. Lindholm, Wallace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- På den lilla kyrkogården i Palestine ligger makarna begravda tillsammans och strax intill vilar dottern Frida. |